Come in, come in!

This little part of the site is my own personal section. All you see here was created as an exploration I came up with on my own. Creativity is my life and I seek to express something each and every day. There’s a ton more that’s not shown here but these are some of what I’d consider my best.

Hope you enjoy.

Conflicting Feelings (above)

Medium: Digital Illustration + Vector Art

A small poster series created to explore bodily shapes and varying colors.

Life in Primaries (above)

Medium: Varies based on piece.

An exploration of life through the eyes of a child and their obsession with primaries.

Bodily Studies (above)

Medium: Digital Illustration

An exercise to practice anatomical proporations and displays of varying emotion.

Sketches (above)

Medium: Graphite Pencil (my fave)

Not every idea can become a finished piece so here are just some great sketches.

Power Chord Sour Ale (above)

Medium: Digital Illustration + Design

I created an illustration for a label of a fictional ale.